Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008:Year of the Dog


It takes a leader to make Shreveport's dog park a reality. Who will it be?
I hate to start something and not finish it, but alas, I have moved to New Orleans. I am no longer the Shreveport dog park leader. Consider me the instigator.
I think Shreveport has a lot of potential, and others agree (see petition) a dog park would be the perfect amenity for a city that wants to nurture its creative, modern, young, professional, retired class.

There needs to be more options in this town, and being outdoors with your pup, socializing with other people is a healthy way to achieve this.

Thanks to all of my Shreveport dog owner friends, especially Kathryn Bloomfield who worked tirelessly on the presentation we have sent out to Shreveport city officials. and thanks to the talented Emily Ellis Welch who designed this awesome logo that I hope to one day see on a cap or t-shirt. It is adorable.

Happy New Year!